Within Us Is The Soul Of The Whole, The Wise Slince, The Universal Beauty, The Eternal One

Within Us Is The Soul Of The Whole, The Wise Slince, The Universal Beauty, The Eternal One

Godess Kali

Godess Kali
What lives inside me

Godess Kali

~ KALI ~ POTASSIUM ~ end and beginning " The old must be released so that it is possible to stream the new within ". Message of Potassium: "I sing he praise whose harts accepts the universal order, which seems be only chaotic and variable. In reality, everything to in the smallest details, is created for in a perfect operational manner. The dance of the universe is a happy dance, with energy which moves sparkling and twisting in a never finishing celebration of living himself. Take part in this dancing and enjoys miraculous vertebrate travel your own life tale. Have no fear for change or a LOSS which appears. It is only the always moving energy interactive with you and your animal ingots. It embraces as a proof that you live! You embrace deepest emotions as a indicator of your truth human essence". Several meanings of this card: You current changes are well for your ~ Keep your ideas positive because they are very powerful ~ what a loss seems be is really the beginning of a Happy new phase ~ leaves the past loose ~ it is time to go further now. Concerning godin potassium: (pronounce you: Kal-ee) this ultra-powerful Hindu godin is feared by those who don't understand the natural cyclusses of birth, dead and Rebirth . Potassium is the embodiment of mother nature, which it fire old with natural storms and cleans to make the area fertile for the new plant and live. Potassium is the ultimate 'get things done' godess and she is powerful guide for those who call its. Such as a wise ripe mother, she will push you beyond your comforting area to reach the ultimed of your full potential.

Individual al the Way

Individual al the Way

Feb 21, 2007

Liefde ontleed

De liefde ontleed

Liefde geldt als vrij en onafhankelijk: Liefde kan niet worden gekocht, gedwongen of georganiseerd. Liefde is alleen benaderbaar in termen die tot de liefde zelf behoren,

Voor liefde hoeft nooit een verontschuldiging, een verklaring of een legitimatie te worden gegeven, Alleen betrokkenen zelf kunnen hun liefde begrijpen.

Liefde heet er om zichzelfs wille te zijn: Liefde kent geen andere motivatie dan zichzelf. Liefde is er niet om iets anders, maar alleen om zichzelf.

Liefde geldt als compromisloos: Over liefde kan niet onderhandeld worden. Liefde is er of het is er niet: liefde houdt dan ook acceptatie in van de totale persoon van de ander zoals die is.

Liefde geldt als zelfverwerkelijking: De beleving van de liefde is een ZIJNVORM van een hogere orde. Pas in de liefde komen de menselijke mogelijkheden werkelijk tot hun recht, liefde betekend ontplooiing van de eigen persoon

Inspiration mail

If a question arises, then by all means, ask it.

But there is nothing sacred about asking questions.

It is when the questions cease and the mind is empty

that there is an opening for true understanding.

David Carse