Within Us Is The Soul Of The Whole, The Wise Slince, The Universal Beauty, The Eternal One

Within Us Is The Soul Of The Whole, The Wise Slince, The Universal Beauty, The Eternal One

Godess Kali

Godess Kali
What lives inside me

Godess Kali

~ KALI ~ POTASSIUM ~ end and beginning " The old must be released so that it is possible to stream the new within ". Message of Potassium: "I sing he praise whose harts accepts the universal order, which seems be only chaotic and variable. In reality, everything to in the smallest details, is created for in a perfect operational manner. The dance of the universe is a happy dance, with energy which moves sparkling and twisting in a never finishing celebration of living himself. Take part in this dancing and enjoys miraculous vertebrate travel your own life tale. Have no fear for change or a LOSS which appears. It is only the always moving energy interactive with you and your animal ingots. It embraces as a proof that you live! You embrace deepest emotions as a indicator of your truth human essence". Several meanings of this card: You current changes are well for your ~ Keep your ideas positive because they are very powerful ~ what a loss seems be is really the beginning of a Happy new phase ~ leaves the past loose ~ it is time to go further now. Concerning godin potassium: (pronounce you: Kal-ee) this ultra-powerful Hindu godin is feared by those who don't understand the natural cyclusses of birth, dead and Rebirth . Potassium is the embodiment of mother nature, which it fire old with natural storms and cleans to make the area fertile for the new plant and live. Potassium is the ultimate 'get things done' godess and she is powerful guide for those who call its. Such as a wise ripe mother, she will push you beyond your comforting area to reach the ultimed of your full potential.

Individual al the Way

Individual al the Way

Feb 22, 2007

Electrical Storm

The sea, it swells like a sore head
And the night, it is aching

Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed
And the day,it is breaking

Your on my mind all of the time

On rainy days we go swimming out
On rainy days swimming in the sound
On rainy days we go swimming out

Your on my mind all of the time

Let’s see colours that have never been seen
Let’s go places no one else has been
Cause if the sky can crack thee must be some way back

To love and only love

Your on my mind all of the time


This poem i received from Peter like many.Only this one had somehow a deeper message.It was also a part of the puzzel for me to reveal.
Because the first days after he past away,without thinking ,at this time, on the poem...
These lignes " Your in my mind all of the time,
Cause if the sky can crack thee must be some way back
To love and only LOVE"
it was heared for me all the time...like an inner hearing message
THis lignes apear all the time in my head...like an innervoice whispering this words to me....

Even now, as i am sitting here writing all this;several times a hear a tick at my windows...

But now back to the poem. After a week or so...a found a cd without the box next to my computer.
It was one of Peter's favourite cd's-> (from U2) as a started to listening to the songs, it appear to me that the poem was based on this song "electrical storm"...
For me there are several messages in this song.It didn't only reveale that there is more then what we see here on earth.Peter knew this...like he new this would happen. With or without his conciousness, he left me these things that should lead me to see...See what IS
Secondly my birthday present...a silken shawl (veil), wich reminded me of the curten between heaven and earth...

You see; all of this isn't made up...it appear to me, step by step...it was like it came all of a sudden in my counsciousness...
Like i had this experience (still have such experieces but less then in beginning; or i just let it be now and therefore it may seem like its less there)with this one special star...this was also not me looking for evidence...
But it was more like the evidence came to me...It asked me to pay attention to it...
This information as well, came by inner voice,deep inner knowing or sort of telepatic communication, the feeling you experience at this moment ect...

The 3rd thing that happened,to let me see that actually Peter wasn't really dead or in other words-> There is still such thing as live after death...only we do not existe anymore in our body...
It was the thing happenend with my television. Even before i know Peter hang himself...this very unforgetable morning; my remote control wasn't working no more, the energy was out of control ...is the best way to put it.
As i putted in the power buttem of my tv..and wanted to put on a specific channel...it started to run;one number after the other, couldn't stop it...not even manuel couldn't control television channels.There was not one single channel were i could stop

As my son was at home this morning (ear-infection) i didn't had much time to pay attention to it.Just remembered that as the docter was there for my son, i asked him if he knew something about electricity.He aswered(as kind of joking) he had only the abilety to heal my son. During the day policemen came to tell me what happend.

The same evening my docter had to come again, as i was in very big shock you can imagine...
By the evening,there was nothing wrong anymore with my remote control nor my tv.
Although the days after, it dured about 14 days in total...my television became nuts...on moment it was like he was new, the second moment he started to do whatever he felt...ALso the 3 day, no matter what i did...it putted himself on channel 3, no matter on wich number i puched, it shift by itself to channel 3 ...

So this for now...this will have a follow up


Ik ben volmaakt zoals ik ben.
Ik ben dat altijd al geweest en zal het altijd blijven.
Er is geen bestemming waar ik heen zal moeten,
waar ik nog niet ben.
Ik hoef niets aan mijzelf te veranderen,
niets weg te drukken,
toe te voegen of weg te werken
om alle liefde van het universum waard te zijn,
dus geef ik die aan mezelf.

Als ik gevoelens van woede, gekrenktheid,
wrok of een andere vorm van weerstand tegen het leven ervaar,
hoef ik daar niet meer tegen te vechten of mezelf ervoor te bestraffen.
Ik laat het eenvoudigweg uit zichzelf oplossen
door de pure kracht van volledige acceptatie.

Nu ik mijzelf heb geaccepteerd,
voel ik de zachte, warme en liefdevolle golven
van het wonder dat leven heet door mij heen stromen,
en zo laat ik alle verschillende expressievormen ervan
binnenin mij ronddansen.
Ik bekijk ze en geniet ervan!

Omdat ik van mezelf houd en mijzelf zonder voorwaarden of oordelen accepteer,
verbreiden mijn liefde en acceptatie zich om mij heen om ons allemaal te helen.

Als ik mijzelf liefheb en accepteer, heelt de wereld!

(onbekend)gekopierd v Sandra

Alhoewel ik met het bovenstaande volledig akkoord ben, toch even vermelden dat ik nog niet zover ben :)...Vandaar dat ik het ook voor mezelf post, ter herinnering ;)